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Improving the social situation of people living below the extreme poverty line



La Pampa is a district in the province of Corongo with 1800 inhabitants. This population centre is located to the North of the Department of Ancash (Peru) in the Andes mountain range. It covers an area of 988km and has an altitude of 2800m. It is called ‘Ceja de sierra’ (the Eyebrow of the Mountains). It is an area of difficult access, which only has dirt roads where frequent landslides occur, which easily leave it isolated. Constant rainfall and temperatures, which  range from 25 to 30 °C, allow for the agricultural (in very small gardens, with no agricultural specialisation) and livestock activity (2 or 3 heads of cattle, in case they have pastureland) to provide the population with food and generate resources they can barter, and, more importantly, to obtain earnings from their sale, to afford costs resulting from hospitalisations, chronic diseases, etc. We started this project back in 2011, and this year we are focusing on providing scholarships for higher education and university studies.

Budget for 2021 contributions 

8.100 € -
Scholarships for higher education
8.100 € -

Activities we carry out:

  • We started this longitudinal project back in 2011. This year, at the M. Trinidad Carreras Foundation, we are focusing on providing scholarships for higher education and university studies to teenagers and young people who come from families with little or no resources.